Saturday, 14 January 2012

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10 things that describe myself (metaphor)

1. I'm like a ball, how hard people 'bounce' me, I will 'bounce' back with the same force.
- I'll treat people like how they treat me.

2. I'm like a bed.
- Sometimes I'm very lazy and don't feel wanna do anything, and just lay on my bed , playing games, relax and slacking.

3. Sometimes, I like an owl.
- Sleep late at night and wake up late in the morning.

4. I'm like a speaker.
- When I am happy I will laugh out loud.

5. I'm like a water bottle.
- When people do something too over and its over my limitation, I'll 'pour out' my unhappy to them.

6. I'm like a Chinese dictionary.
- Because if someone ask me the meaning of an english word, sometimes, I just can answer it.

7. I'm like a radio.
- Talkative but won't feel tired xD

8. I'm like a monkey.
- I can't sit properly all the time, I'll keep looking for something to do and move here and there even I've got nothing to do. (Unless I'm tired xD)

9. I'm like a plastic bag, when people put things into it, it always getting bigger but doesn't getting longer.
- Because I'm will always getting fatter but not growing taller.

10. I'm like a highway.
- Very straight forward and sometimes because I'm too straight, this might hurt people :P

Friday, 13 January 2012