What I found that can represent the impression towards the museum is the money tunnel at the kids section. Because that is a museum Bank Negara so that's of course full of money.
This is the moneyyyy tunnel.
The artifact that make me curious the most is the minting kit. Because I don't know how it actually can cut the edges of the coin. Is it have to wait for the coin to get harden then only they cut it by the scissors?
This is the minting kit.
The learning experience is quite inviting. it wont be like Museum Negara which so boring with only display and words. There are alot of interactive installation and also some object that visitors can actually experience with by the way we play with it. For example I found the most interesting want is the cheque protection machine. The kids section is actually more attracting and more fun to play with because that's actually for kids.
One of the interactive installation that provide information for different coins.
Bar code scanner that allow us to "buy" whatever we want with no budget limitation =D
3 steps to prove the money is real or fake.
I think the net generation will share the information to their friends. Like for me I actually share with my family about the money tunnel and the kids section because it's actually much more fun than the other. And the net generation usually have a thought that museum is always boring, but this museum is actually very different from the other museum that I have visit before. So they might feel that it's fresh and will share about their experience.
Question that I would like to ask
-Why is the coin so small?
-how they mint the coins by that set of tools?
-What is the Rubber-export coupons for? Is the purpose same like money?